
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dietary enlightenment, take two.

What have I been doing the last two weeks? Struggling. A lot. I contemplated just abandoning this journal and starting over, but then I decided that the journey to dietary enlightenment is just as important as actually getting there, so here we go... again.

I did get two days at almost 100% raw. However, let's just say certain digestive functions indicated that I wasn't actually digesting anything. I don't know if I went for too much fiber, or too many greens, or what, but something wasn't working out. I'm not sure how much was detox and how much was what I chose to eat, but I fell off the raw food path, hard. I mean, we're talking not even resembling vegan food hard. And the sad thing is, one of the classes I'm teaching is even doing a unit on environmentalism. Several of my kids chose to write about how diet impacts the environment, and I definitely fell off the low-impact eating train.

Now that confession time is over, here's the new plan. I'm going to keep up the green smoothies for breakfast and hopefully lunch, too. I think something about blending everything up helped my stomach out. For later meals, I'm going for vegan, with a twist -- everything (almost) needs to be made from scratch. For example, if I want tofu, I make it myself. Almond milk? Homemade. The only exception I've come up with is pasta, because any homemade whole wheat pasta experiments I've attempted in the past have fallen apart. So, I told myself that whole wheat pasta with NO ADDITIVES is okay. That means whole ingredients only, and no egg. So, that's the plan and I'm sticking to it.

Another thing I want to do is re-name this blog. I haven't really thought of a good name, so if any of my wonderful readers have suggestions, suggest away! I have some other ideas about life in general that I'm going to post about later, but I did want to let everyone know I hadn't dropped off the face of the Internet.

Okay, so that's that! I'm off to take advantage of some bookstore teacher discounts. Adios!

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

Hi, Erin,
One of the most difficult things about eating an environmentally friendly diet is the amount of shopping and preparation necessary. I think you've done an amazing job with everything so far because I know how long it takes and because you're also doing so much with the new teaching experience.

I also think that eating eggs is one of the least environmentally unfriendly things you can do. Also eggs are very good for you if purchased from a free range environment. The chickens help enrich the soil, and, as Michael Pollan pointed out, they help keep the cattle that graze the pastures after them healthier, if it's a rotational process as well.

Trying to support you, not derail you! Be very interested to hear your other "ideas about life in general" also.