
Friday, October 1, 2010

T-minus six days.

I've been a bad little blogger! I have a lot to report, but I'm going to make another post this evening (hopefully) about all of that. Meanwhile, my half-aunt (is that right?) Anne Marie suggested I post a donations button, since I'm trying to save for several raw food appliances, the first of which being a Vitamix Blender.

Now, let me preface this by saying that I know most of the people who read this blog are either students, teachers, or student teachers, so I sincerely hope that none of you feel pressured to donate at all! Even if you don't fall into one of the above categories, please, please, please don't feel obligated to give me money. Seriously, that's not my intention to pressure anyone.

However, if you happen to have an extra few bucks (or cents, or Euros, or Yen, you know, whatever) lying around, I would sincerely appreciate any contribution you can make. I promise that every penny will go toward a juicer (hopefully used, if I can find one... save the environment, and all that). And, anyone who donates (really, anyone in general!) is welcome to some fresh, raw juice at any time at all. I would be more than happy to share the fruits (har har) of this endeavor.

So anyway, please feel free to send a few pennies this way, and if not, again, that's completely okay! Thank you all SO much!

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